Step 1: Effort Belt
Verify that both snaps on the effort belt are firmly snapped to the SleepView Monitor.
Wrap the belt around you using the Velcro tabs to secure it snugly but comfortably around your chest. Pull the belt above your chest line so SleepView is positioned at the center of your chest.
Step 2: Nasal Cannula
Remove the nasal cannula from its plastic packaging.
Hold the nasal cannula with both hands so the nasal prongs point up toward your nose. Insert the nasal prongs into your nose. Pull the tubing behind both ears. Push the plastic slide up to tighten the cannula tubes at your chin.
Remove the plastic protector from the end of the nasal cannula, and twist the end of the cannula clockwise onto the Cannula connector on SleepView until snug.
Step 3: Pulse Ox
The Pulse OX sensor is already plugged into SleepView. You may route the wire through the neck of your shirt and out the sleeve.
Slide your index finger from either hand into the sensor so the icon of a finger covers your fingernail. Make a fist, then place a piece of medical tape across the back of your hand to secure the wire in place.
Contact your healthcare provider with any questions.
Final Instructions:
SleepView is pre-programmed to turn ON and OFF at your regular sleep time. If you choose to go to bed earlier, then press the ON button located on the front of SleepView. The power light should light green.
The lights for each connected sensor should be green, indicating that a strong signal is being recorded. If a light is amber, the sensor needs to be adjusted. If a light is red, the sensor is not properly attached to SleepView. Adjust the sensors until the light for each connected sensor is green. If a thermistor was not provided, the thermistor light will remain red.
The sensor lights will go off after 90 seconds, but the power light will remain on. If you need more time to adjust the sensors, press the ON button again to turn all of the sensor lights on for an additional 30 seconds.
Sleep in the position that is most normal and comfortable for you. When you wake up for the morning, gently remove the sensors from your body. Leave the effort belt and pulse oximetry sensor connected to the SleepView. Note: the cannula must be twisted off in order to be removed.
When SleepView is turned off it will run a self-test to determine if a good study has been recorded. At the end of a study press the OFF button, the lights will begin to circle for several seconds before the SleepView turns off. If the lights circle clockwise in green a good study was recorded. If the lights circle counter-clockwise in red, call your healthcare provider as you may need to retake the test the next evening. (If your SleepView is already turned off, you can turn it on again and then off to see the lights circle).
If the test was recorded properly, discard the cannula. Return the SleepView Kit to your healthcare provider.
NOTE: If you are not using a thermistor, the thermistor light will remain red, which is normal.
CAUTION: Improper routing of leads may result in a choking hazard. Do not use in conjunction with an external defibrillator. Immediately contact your healthcare provider if you encounter any problems with the SleepView Monitor or accessories.